Contact Us - Quran Ayat

Get in touch with Quran Ayat Institute

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Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us any time .

contact us any time of the day we are working around the clock call us now and ask about our courses(Quran/Arabic/Tajweed /Islamic studies).

USA: +1 315 288 3350 UK: +44333-303-1356
UK:+44 (333)303-1356


Quran Ayat is an online institute that provides Arabic and Quran lessons for you and your children through highly qualified and experienced teachers from Egypt who have studied Arabic and Quran in Al-Azhar University.

They have many years of experience in Arabic and Quran teaching for non-Arabic speakers.

In Quran Ayat, we provide the most proper educational materials to help you practice what you learn around the clock, not only during the lessons.

We focus on providing interactive lessons for you and all of your family. We follow your performance in the homework assigned to you and your children at each lesson.

Then, we provide tests for you to ensure that you improve and make progress in your lessons.

You are never too young neither too old to learn. Quran Ayat Institute provides Quran, Islam, and Arabic lessons for both kids and adults.

We cater to all age groups as we strongly believe the knowledge of the Quran to be highly significant and valuable to people of all ages.

    Quran Ayat Institute: Trusted by Hundreds of Muslim Students & Parents

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