Islamic Studies Course Background - Quran Ayat

Islamic Studies

Rating: ★★★★★ | Students Enrolled: 3956

Islamic Studies Course - Quran Ayat

Learn Islamic studies online with the best Islamic scholars who are graduated from Al-Azhar university and other top Islamic universities across the globe. This course is the PERFECT choice to learn Islamic Studies for kids & adults. You’ll learn the basics of Islam, the pillars of Islam, the right way to offer Namaz, Hajj, the importance of Zakat, and so on are also elaborated in Islamic studies. Our qualified Islamic tutors will help you to understand Islam religion, get familiar with the important events and historical figures,.

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About Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies refers to studying Islam in-depth. All Islamic knowledge and courses are categorized as Islamic Studies.

It covers many branches, ranging from Islamic History to Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Moreover, issues like Marriage, Divorce, and Relationships e.t.c, all are thoroughly discussed in the light of the Quran, the DO’s and DON’Ts are made clear.

The basics of Islam, the pillars of Islam, the right way to offer Namaz, hajj, the importance of Zakat, and so on are also elaborated in Islamic studies.

Islamic Studies is essential to connect one to the basics of Islam. We may born Muslims, but little do we know about the religion we follow.
We never really fully understand the religion our forefathers followed, and now we do, we are not even familiar with the basics.

Do you recall your childhood’s Islamic Studies content? Now is the time to revisit it, and grasp more concepts with a better understanding.

Islamic Studies Online - Quran Ayat

Islamic studies for children play a critical role in forming the personality, mindset, and attitudes of kids.

Children are born completely innocent with a clear mind and pure heart, just like blank paper.

Parents and educators are responsible for filling this page with sound ideas that qualify those children to walk on the righteous path and be beneficial men and women for their society.

Learning Islam for kids and raising them up on the right teaching of Islam is a duty to every Muslim parent. It endeavors to instill all the goodness into their heart & soul and helps them to succeed in this life and hereafter as well.

Online Islamic education is necessary nowadays because when they learn about the Quran & Islam at an early age, this knowledge will last forever and grow by passing time because children’s memory is strong and their mind is pure.

Therefore, Islamic education means they will be better Muslims In Shaa Allah.

Learning Islamic Studies online also brings the kids closer to Allah (SWT), helps them get a better understating of Islam, assures that they get raised up in the correct Islamic spirit, and learn more about their religion as they grow up.

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Why Learn Islamic Studies

We, at Quran Ayat, offer an “Islamic Studies” course for both kids and adults. Age-appropriate levels of the course are taught by our most skilled teachers approved by Al-Azhar University.

and to learn about the sufferings of early Muslims and the evolution of Islam over the years.

You’ll know all the things important that we should know to be Muslims. Being a Muslim, we should know our role model Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W).

How are we to make him our role model, when we haven’t read his biography?

We need to know about his life to be able to take inspiration from it.

Therefore, all Muslims need to learn about Islam under courses like Islamic Studies.

Moreover, under Islamic History, you get to learn about different events in history, the wars, and peace treaties.

All the other details and contributors that would help us in today’s world to overcome the current problems.

Learning about the economic conditions in the past and the strategies adopted by the Prophets to boost economies can be revisited and used.

Furthermore, all the issues that Islam addresses can also be learned under Islamic Studies.

Basics like the pillars of Islam and Islam teachings about humanity can be learned.

Lastly, other important daily life issues like the rules and limitations of Marriage and Divorce and other matters that are specified in the Quran .

also followed by our prophets through their lifestyles in also studied under Islamic Studies.

This will shed more light on these topics, and we can apply the correct knowledge in our current daily life instances.

So, get yourself registered for the “Islamic Studies” course and gain your path to Jannah (Heaven).

Islamic Studies for Kids - Quran Ayat

Benefits of Learning Islamic Studies

There are many virtues that Muslim gains from learning Islamic Studies. Not to mention that the journey of learning itself is very rewarding.

Top benefits of learning Islamic Studies are:

  1. Learn the correct way to pray and worship Allah (SWT)
  2. Instill love and affection for Allah and not His fear or wrath
  3. Learn Tafseer of Surahs through multimedia, as visuals that attract kids more
  4. Apply Islamic rules, studied in Fiqh, in daily life with reasoning and not forcefully
  5. Value-integrated learning will shape their personalities after attending our Islamic lessons for children
  6. Learn and develop a love for Prophets.
  7. Develop tolerance, love, goodness, and compassion in kids from their early years through the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad.

What You'll Learn in Islamic Studies Program

Expert Islamic scholars at Quran Ayat Institute have prepared the following ideal syllabus to learn Islamic studies online fast & easy:

1. The Five Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah (Tawhid)
  • Salah (Prayer)
  • Zakah (Obligatory Charity)
  • Sawm (Fasting Ramadan)
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)

2. Islamic Manners and Ethics

  • Sunnan and Adab (Etiquette) of eating, drinking, sleeping, using the right hand, talking, etc.
  • General Islamic Morals and Ethics (Piety, Truthfulness, Peace, Brotherhood, Thankfulness, etc.)
  • Islamic views on Bad habits (Lying, Gossiping, and Backbiting, Cheating, etc.)
  • Islamic views on Seeking Knowledge
  • Islamic views on respecting Parents and following their orders
  • Islamic views on respecting elderly people  
  • 3. Aqedah (Islamic Creed)

Islamic belief is based on having faith in some basic truths: the sovereignty of Allah, and the existence of prophets, angels, life, death, afterlife, Holy Books, and destiny. This is a Muslim creed called Aqidah. We teach these basic things to people of all ages, in a way understandable by all.

  • Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah
  • Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah
  • Tawheed Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat
  • Meaning of “La Ilaaha Illa Allah”
  • Meaning of “Muhammad Rasul Allah”
  • Fifth Pillars of Islam
  • Sixth Pillars of Imaan
  • Islamic Creed
  • Imaan & Shirk
  • Life After death
  • Day of Judgment

4. Seerah and Islamic History

  • Seerah (Biography) of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his teachings
  • Stories of the previous Prophets and Messengers
  • Selection of stories from the lives of the Companions (RAA) and the prominent Muslim figures
  • Quran and Islamic Stories of animals, birds, and sects
  • General history of Islam

5. Fiqh (Islamic Law)

  • Fundamental Islamic Law
  • Muslims’ rights and duties
  • Worshiping rulings
  • Taharah (Purification)
  • Salah (Prayer)
  • Zakah (Obligatory Charity)
  • Sawm (Fasting)
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  • Jihad (Fighting)
  • Transaction (Dealings)
  • Family Matters (Fiqh Usrah)
  • Halal and Haram
  • Other related topics

6. Hadith (Sunnah)

  • 40 Hadith Nawawi الأربعون النووية
  • 40 Hadith Qudsiالحديث القدسي
  • Sahih al-Bukhari صحيح البخاري
  • Sahih Muslim صحيح مسلم
  • Sunan An-Nasa’iسنن النسائي
  • Sunan Abi Dawudسنن أبي داود
  • Jami` At-Tirmidhi جامع الترمذي
  • Sunan Ibn Majahسنن ابن ماجه
  • Riyad As-Salihinرياض الصالحين
  • Other Chosen Hadith Books

7. Duas and Azkar

  • Authentic Supplication
  • Dua’a From Quran and Sunnah
  • Daily Azkar

8. The Social System Of Islam

  • Fundamental Concepts of Islam’s Social System
  • Islam’s Ethical and moral Values

Islamic Studies Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%

The best Islamic Studies for Kids

November 5, 2022

The Islamic studies program at Quran Ayat exceeded all my expectations. My son now knows how to perform Salah correctly and he loves stories of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His companions.

Quran Ayat’s Teachers made a great effort. Highly recommend Islamic studies for kids course by Quran Ayat

Kusai Adawy

FAQs about Islamic Studies

How do I learn Islamic Studies?

You can start learning Islamic Studies online at Quran Ayat Institute easily in just 3 steps:

  1. Book Free Trial Class – Fill in the needful data, so that the assigned tutor could contact you and confirm the appointment your selected for the first session.
  2. Confirm Selected Appointment – Once you submit your free trial request, education consultant from Quran Ayat will contact you within 24Hrs via email, Phone Call, or WhatsApp to confirm appointment and further details.
  3. Download Zoom or Skype & Start Learning – Download Zoom app or Skype to start taking the class at the scheduled appointment.


Islamic studies refers to the academic study of Islam, and generally to academic multidisciplinary “studies” programs—programs similar to others that focus on the history, texts and theologies of other religious traditions.

Islamic studies gives them the knowledge and skills they’re seeking. “Students develop the ability to express the knowledge they have gained. They also develop their communication, analytical and writing skills, which is a very important part of their growth.

Examples of topics covered include the emergence of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, the Qur’an, Sharia and law, Sunnis and Shia, Sufis and spirituality, money and charity, gender and equality, relations with people of other faiths, and jihad.

Arabic is the language of the Quran Islamic Studies is the study of History of Islamic civilization and Quranic teaching is the study of the holy book the Quran and read in Arabic and meanings of the verses explained.

Course Features

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#1 Islamic Studies Course | TRY FREE | Quran Ayat
Islamic Studies #1 Islamic Studies Course | Quran Ayat

☪ Learn Islamic studies online with the best Islamic scholars who are graduated from Al-Azhar university and other top Islamic universities across the globe.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Quran Ayat Institute

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Online

Course Workload: PT20H

Duration: P6M

Repeat Count: -0.01

Repeat Frequency: Weekly

Course Type: Free

Course Currency: USD

Course Price: 50

Editor's Rating:

    "*Fill in the form & The assigned tutor will contact you to confirm the appointment of free trial lesson with you.

    Gender: MaleFemale


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