Tag Archives: Quran Recitation

What Does the Quran Recitation Really Mean?

Recitation is the word that the Quran uses to describe the act of its reading. No single word in English can convey its full meaning. ‘To follow’ is the closest to its primary meaning.‘To read’ is only secondary,for in reading too, words follow each other, one closely behind the other,in an orderly and meaningful sequence.If one word does not follow the other,
or if the sequence and order is not observed, the meaning is destroyed.So, primarily, recitation means to move closely behind,to go forward, to flow in a sequence,to go in pursuit, to take as a guide, leader, master, a model, to accept the authority
, to espouse the cause, to act upon, walk after, practice a way of life, to understand, to follow the train of thought – or to follow.

Learn Quran For Kids

Learn Quran for Kids - Quran Ayat

Nowadays, so many Muslim parents from different countries and cultures seek to learn Quran for kids. They have realized that teaching the Quran to their kids is the best investment they can do for them; the Quran is the source of knowledge and the key to succeeding in this life and hereafter. When parents think …